“The Mandibles” is a dystopian novel by Lionel Shriver published in 2016. The book explores a future economic collapse in the United States, as seen through the eyes of several generations of the Mandible family. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 lessons from “The Mandibles” and their relevance to the ongoing economic challenges faced by the modern world.
Lesson 1: Economic Collapse Can Happen Anytime
The Mandibles’ economic collapse started with the government defaulting on its debt, which spiraled into a downward economic trend. The lesson here is that economic collapse can happen at any time, and we should be prepared for it.
Lesson 2: The Importance of Financial Literacy
The Mandibles were financially illiterate and could not comprehend the economic situation they found themselves in. The book shows that financial illiteracy can lead to a serious lack of preparations for financial challenges.
Lesson 3: The Significance of Family Support in Hard Times
The Mandibles find it hard to survive during the economic crisis, but they are able to pull through due to their family support and the sacrifices they make for each other.
Lesson 4: The Importance of Multigenerational Planning
In “The Mandibles,” the family’s younger generations suffer from the unpreparedness of the older generations. This shows that planning must be done across generations for all of them to thrive.
Lesson 5: The Role of Technology in Economic Collapse
In the book, technology is seen to be affected by the economic collapse. This shows that technology advancement can go hand-in-hand with economic growth, and deterioration in one will affect the other.
Lesson 6: The Need for Hard Decisions in an Economic Crisis
“The Mandibles” highlights the need for tough decisions during economic crises. Collective sacrifice, such as adopting austerity measures and even withdrawing savings, may be necessary to pull through.
Lesson 7: The Pitfalls of Debt
Debt is portrayed as the root cause of the Mandible family’s financial troubles in the book. The lesson here is that excessive debt can lead to economic collapse and should be managed carefully.
Lesson 8: The Need for Lifestyle Adjustments
The sudden economic collapse forced The Mandibles to make significant adjustments to their lifestyle. The lesson here is that in difficult times, everyone has to adjust their way of life to survive and thrive.
Lesson 9: Aggressive Economic Policies May Not Be Sustainable
In the book, the government’s aggressive economic policies lead to hyperinflation and eventually worsen the economic situation. This highlights the fact that economic policies, though sometimes necessary, should be sustainable and carefully crafted.
Lesson 10: The Importance of Community Support in Trying Times
The book shows how the community comes together to provide support to the Mandible family during their economic struggles. The lesson here is that the community can provide much-needed assistance in difficult times, and we should come together and support one another.
“The Mandibles” explores the economic collapse of a family in a dystopian future, highlighting how important it is to be economically literate and prepared for significant changes in financial circumstances. The lessons outlined in this post teach us to plan multigenerationally, be financially literate and make tough decisions, manage debt carefully, adjust lifestyles when necessary, and create sustainable economic policies while supporting each other as a community. Hopefully, these lessons can guide us in navigating the ever-changing economy of our world.